Does Sazed Have to Do Bad Things Because of Ruin?

does sazed have to do bad things because of ruin


Hey readers,

Welcome to our comprehensive analysis of the intriguing question that’s been swirling around the world of Sazed and his connection to Ruin. In this article, we’ll delve into the moral complexities and metaphysical ramifications of Sazed’s situation. Join us on this journey as we explore the nuances of his choices and whether he’s truly compelled to embrace darkness due to the influence of Ruin.

Sazed’s Past and the Power of Ruin

Sazed, a devout Terrisman and scholar, has always been a beacon of hope and knowledge in a world ravaged by chaos. However, his life took a dramatic turn when he ascended to the power of Ruin. This power, an embodiment of destruction and entropy, has the potential to corrupt and consume even the noblest of souls.

The Temptation of Darkness

With Ruin dwelling within him, Sazed faces a constant struggle. Ruin’s influence whispers promises of power, chaos, and the ability to shape the world to his will. It tempts him to abandon his beliefs and embrace the darkness that threatens to engulf him.

The Weight of Responsibility

Despite the allure of Ruin’s power, Sazed knows that yielding to it would have devastating consequences. He has witnessed firsthand the horrors that Ruin can unleash upon the world, and he is determined to resist its corrupting influence.

The Moral Dichotomy

Sazed’s predicament presents a fascinating moral dilemma. On the one hand, he possesses the power to shape the world according to his will. On the other, he is aware that using this power for evil would betray his principles and potentially cause untold suffering.

The Greater Good

Some argue that Sazed should embrace Ruin’s power for the greater good. By harnessing its destructive potential, he could eliminate evil and injustice from the world. However, this reasoning raises ethical concerns about the means justifying the ends.

Personal Integrity

Others believe that Sazed should prioritize his personal integrity above all else. They argue that yielding to Ruin’s influence, no matter how noble the intentions, would irrevocably corrupt him.

The Influence of Religion

Sazed’s faith in the One True God has always been a guiding force in his life. As he wrestles with the power of Ruin, he seeks solace in his religious beliefs.

The Conflict of Deities

Sazed believes that Preservation and Ruin are opposing forces locked in an eternal struggle. He fears that by embracing Ruin, he would be aligning himself with the forces of chaos and destruction.

The Divine Intervention

Despite his fears, Sazed also believes that he may be guided by the One True God to use Ruin’s power for good. He prays for divine intervention and guidance in making the right choices.

Comparative Analysis of Sazed’s Choices

Choice Consequences
Embrace Ruin Gain immense power, potentially eliminate evil, but risk corruption
Resist Ruin Preserve personal integrity, avoid the horrors of chaos, but potentially face conflict
Seek Divine Intervention Guided by a higher power, but uncertain of the outcome or consequences


Ultimately, the question of whether Sazed is destined to do bad things because of Ruin remains unanswered. The outcome of his struggle hinges on his choices, his faith, and the unpredictable nature of the forces at play. Readers, be sure to explore our other articles on Sazed and the Cosmere for further insights into this intriguing character and the complex world he inhabits.

FAQ about Sazed and Ruin

Is Sazed forced to do bad things because of Ruin?

No. Ruin granted Sazed a portion of his power, but he is not bound to do anything that Ruin says.

Does Sazed have to hurt or kill anyone because of Ruin?

No. Sazed is a good person, and he would never intentionally hurt or kill anyone.

Can Ruin force Sazed to do anything against his will?

No. Sazed has free will, and he can choose to resist Ruin’s influence.

If Ruin tries to force Sazed to do something, what can he do?

Sazed can use his own power to fight back against Ruin. He can also ask for help from his friends and allies.

Is Sazed in danger from Ruin?

Yes, but Sazed is a powerful Mistborn, and he is determined to defeat Ruin.

What will happen if Sazed defeats Ruin?

If Sazed defeats Ruin, he will be free from Ruin’s influence and he will be able to help rebuild the world.

What will happen if Ruin defeats Sazed?

If Ruin defeats Sazed, he will gain complete control over the world, and it will be a very dark place.

Why is Sazed the only one who can defeat Ruin?

Sazed is the only one who has the right combination of power, skill, and determination to defeat Ruin.

What can I do to help Sazed?

You can support Sazed by reading his books, spreading the word about his mission, and praying for him.

Is there anything else I can do to help someone who is struggling with evil influences?

Yes. You can offer your support, encouragement, and prayers. You can also help them to find resources that can help them overcome their struggles.