how to set afk message lotro

how to set afk message lotro

How to Set an AFK Message in Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO)

Greetings, Readers!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on setting an "Away from Keyboard" (AFK) message in LOTRO. Whether you need to grab a cup of coffee, answer a call, or simply step away from your computer, an AFK message can let your fellow players know you’re not around. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions and additional tips to customize your AFK message.

Setting Your AFK Message

1. Open the Chat Window

To set your AFK message, open the chat window by clicking on the speech bubble icon at the bottom right corner of your screen. This will bring up the chat tab.

2. Type "/afk [Message]"

In the chat window, type the following command:

/afk [Message]

Replace "[Message]" with the message you want to display when you’re AFK. Your message can include text, emojis, and even links.

3. Hit Enter

Once you’ve typed your message, hit the Enter key to submit it. Your AFK message will now be displayed in the chat window and to other players who try to message you.

Customizing Your AFK Message

1. Adding Emojis

To add emojis to your AFK message, simply use the emoji shortcuts that are available in the chat window. You can click on the emoji button (usually a smiley face) to see a list of available emojis.

2. Including Links

You can also include links in your AFK message. To do this, use the following format:

[link text](link url)

For example, you could include a link to your website by typing:

[My Website](

3. Using Colors

Finally, you can use colors to make your AFK message stand out. To do this, use the following format:

[/color][Your Message][/color]

Replace "[color]" with the color you want to use. You can use the following color codes:

  • Red: /r
  • Green: /g
  • Blue: /b
  • Yellow: /y
  • Purple: /p
  • Cyan: /c
  • White: /w
  • Black: /k

Related Commands

Command Description
/away Sets your AFK message
/back Removes your AFK message
/emote [Emote] Performs an emote
/me [Action] Describes an action performed by your character


setting an AFK message in LOTRO is a simple and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily let your fellow players know when you’re not around. Whether you need to take a break, answer a call, or simply explore the world of Middle-earth, an AFK message will keep you connected with your fellow adventurers.

We hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please feel free to check out our other articles on LOTRO.

FAQ about Setting AFK Messages in LOTRO

How do I set an AFK message?

You can set an AFK message by typing /afk your message here in the chat window.

How do I remove my AFK message?

Type /afk in the chat window to remove your AFK message.

How do I change my AFK message?

Type /afk your new message here in the chat window to change your AFK message.

What is the maximum length of an AFK message?

The maximum length of an AFK message is 255 characters.

Can I make my AFK message appear in a different color?

No, you cannot change the color of your AFK message.

Can I use line breaks in my AFK message?

No, you cannot use line breaks in your AFK message.

Can I set an AFK message for a specific amount of time?

No, you cannot set an AFK message for a specific amount of time. Your AFK message will remain active until you remove it.

What happens if I log out while I have an AFK message active?

Your AFK message will remain active even if you log out.

How can I tell if someone else is AFK?

Look for a message in their chat bubble that says "AFK:".

How do I clear my AFK status?

Log back into the game.