tank mates for betta

tank mates for betta

The Ultimate Guide to Peaceful Tank Mates for Betta Fish


Hey readers! Are you curious about finding suitable companions for your vibrant betta fish? Bettas, known for their captivating colors and flowing fins, can coexist peacefully with certain tank mates under the right conditions. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of finding the perfect buddies for your betta.

Common Misconceptions about Betta Compatibility

Contrary to popular belief, bettas are not inherently aggressive towards other fish. However, they can be territorial, especially towards fish with similar colors or fin shapes. By carefully selecting tank mates that minimize these potential clashes, you can create a harmonious underwater community.

Selecting Suitable Tank Mates

To ensure a peaceful coexistence, consider the following factors:

Size and Temperament

Tank mates should be relatively small and non-aggressive to avoid intimidating or threatening your betta. Peaceful species like snails, shrimp, and smaller tetras make ideal companions.

Fin Shape and Color

Avoid fish with long, flowing fins that may resemble a betta’s tail. Similarly, steer clear of fish with vibrant colors that could evoke aggression in your betta.

Schooling Behavior

Schooling fish, such as neon tetras or guppies, can provide a sense of security for your betta by creating a distraction and reducing the likelihood of direct confrontation.

Live Plants and Hiding Spots

Adequate live plants and hiding spots are crucial for providing shelter and reducing stress levels for all tank inhabitants. This is especially important for bettas, as they require a safe haven to retreat to.

Table: Compatible Tank Mates for Bettas

Fish Species Characteristics
Neon Tetras Small, schooling fish with peaceful temperament
Ember Tetras Vibrant red color but small enough to avoid intimidating bettas
Dwarf Corydoras Small, bottom-dwelling fish that rarely interact with bettas
Amano Shrimp Larger shrimp species that are less likely to become prey for bettas
Nerite Snails Hardy snails that can withstand betta attacks and help with algae control


Finding suitable tank mates for your betta can enhance the health and well-being of your aquatic pets. By following these guidelines and carefully selecting companions, you can create a thriving and harmonious ecosystem in your aquarium. If you’re interested in learning more about betta care, check out our other articles on betta diet, water quality, and disease prevention.

FAQ about Tank Mates for Betta

Can bettas live with other bettas?

No. Bettas are highly territorial and will fight to the death with other bettas.

Can bettas live with tetras?

Yes, but with caution. Some types of tetras, such as neon tetras, can be compatible with bettas, but others, such as tiger barbs, are too aggressive.

Can bettas live with guppies?

Yes, but with caution. Guppies are small and peaceful, but bettas may still fin nip or harass them.

Can bettas live with snails?

Yes. Snails are slow-moving and generally peaceful, making them good tank mates for bettas.

Can bettas live with shrimp?

Not recommended. Bettas may see shrimp as food and try to eat them.

Can bettas live with Corydoras catfish?

Yes. Corydoras catfish are peaceful and bottom-dwelling, making them unlikely to bother bettas.

Can bettas live with African dwarf frogs?

Yes, but with caution. African dwarf frogs are small and peaceful, but bettas may try to eat them if they are too small.

Can bettas live with ghost shrimp?

Yes. Ghost shrimp are too large for bettas to eat and are generally peaceful.

Can bettas live with other labyrinth fish?

Yes, but with caution. Some labyrinth fish, such as gouramis, can be aggressive towards bettas, while others, such as dwarf gouramis, can be compatible.

Can bettas live with plants?

Yes. Plants provide shelter and hiding places for bettas, and can help to reduce their aggression.